Patriots by States

All the Patriots our members have proven are listed below.

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You can contact our registrar for any questions about our patriots.

Patriot NameState of ServiceType of ServiceSpouse Name
Allen, IsaacPACaptain
Patriotic Service
Unknown, Margaret
Allison, JamesSCPrivateUnknown, Sarah
Arnett, HenryNYPrivateTrusdel, Elizabeth
Avery, William HaleyVAMajorSymonds, Betty
Ball, HenryMDPatriotic ServiceCondon, Unknown
Bates, AlpheusMAPrivatePratt, Elizabeth
Bates, UrbanMAPrivateHolbrook, Hannah
Boas, ShadrachVAPatriotic ServiceRutherford, Isabel
Boteler, Edward LinganMDPatriotic ServiceDelashnutt, Elizabeth
Bramblee, WilliamNY LieutenantKidder, Gertrude
Broadwell, DavidNJSergeant Carroll, Elizabeth
Brown, BazellelVACaptainThompson, Mary
Brown, BrightberyVAPatriotic ServiceThompson, Susan
Burgess, EdwardVAPrivateFrancis, Ann Nancy
Butler, WilliamVAPrivate
Patriotic Service
Unknown, Mary
Cavanaugh, CharlesVAPatriotic ServiceColeman, Ann
Chappelear, JamesMDPrivateDent, Elizabeth
Cole, Levi PRICorporal, Patriotic ServiceCamp, Anna
Collier, CorneliousVAPatriotic ServiceWyatt, Elizabeth
Conrad, JosephVAPatriotic ServiceBogart, Hannah
Cook, JohnVAPrivatePemberton, Nellie
Crabb, HenryPAPrivateKeller, Sarah
Crowell, LotMACaptainHamblin, Hannah
Drury, JohnVACaptainSlaughter, Sarah
Engle, HenryPAPrivateUnknown, Phillipina
Evans, EvanMDPatriotic ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Ferebee, CalebDELieutenantUnknown, Sarah
Field, Sr., JohnVAColonelUnknown, Anna
Fletcher, ThomasMACaptainUnknown, Mary
Floyd, AndrewNCLieutenant Unknown, Unknown
Floyd, FrancisSCPatriotic ServiceJohnson, Isabelle
Garland, ChristopherVAEnsignBurton, Sarah
Gaumer, JacobPAPrivateShowash, Catherine
Geer, EbenezerMACivil Service, Patriotic ServiceHerrick, Desire
Geer, ElijahMASergeant, Civil ServiceRose, Margaret
Goodwin, PetersonVACaptain
Patriotic Service
Peterson, Elizabeth
Gordon, JohnVAPatriotic ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Green, LeonardMDPrivate, Patriotic ServiceWheeler, Elizabeth
Griswold, Sr., NoahCTCaptain,
Patriotic Service
Unknown, Unknown
Harrison, JohnVAPrivateMiller, Nancy
Harrison, NathanMDSoldierUnknown, Sarah
Henderson, EdwardVAPrivate Unknown, Unknown
Hope, GeorgeVASoldier
Patriotic Service
Ballard, Rebecca Meredith
Hornor, GeorgeNJPatriotic ServiceWeaver, Hannah
James, SedwickMD Ensign, Patriotic ServiceRichardson, Sarah
Jewett, JonathanNHSergeantStearns, Sarah
Joplin, ThomasVAPatriotic ServiceFreeman, Hannah
Keyes, EphraimNHPatriotic ServiceWadkins, Sarah
Leavitt, PeterNHPrivateCram, Elizabeth
Lee, AndrewSCCivil Service Wilson, Nancy Ann
Levy, Sr., DavidMDQuartermaster SergeantWeisser, Barbara
Lewis, AndrewVABrigadier General
Patriotic Service
Givens, Elizabeth
Lindsey, JosephMACivil ServiceGeer, Salvina
Lindsey, RobertMACivil ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Ludlow, CorneliusNJColonel Cooper, Catherine
McCauley, JamesNHPrivate
Patriotic Service
Jameson, Isabel
McKenzie, JosephSCSoldier
Patriotic Service
Lattimore, Rebecca
Mills, RogerCTSergeantUnknown, Unknown
Moore, StephenNCLieutenant Colonel
Patriotic Service
Phillips, Grizelda
Nutt, JamesMASergeant, Civil ServiceCochran, Susannah
Overlook, John JosephMACivil ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Paine, AbrahamCTCivil Service
Patriotic Service
Freeman, Rebekah
Platter, PeterPAPrivateCrabbe, Sarah
Powell, EdmundVALieutenant
Civil Service
Patriotic Service
Joplin, Lucy
Powers, DanielVAPrivateWaller, Elizabeth Lamberth
Pratt, JosephMA PrivateUnknown, Unknown
Preston, JoelVAPrivateHoward, Esther
Reese, FrederickMDLieutenant Ulrich, Anna Margaret
Rice, DavidMACivil ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Robbins, ClarkCTPrivateKeyes, Zilpha
Robinson, JamesPAEnsignMcCrea, Agnes Nancy
Rollins, MosesNHPrivateDrew, Ann
Roundtree, RandallVACivil Service, Patriotic ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Rowe, JohnVACivil ServiceUnknown, Sarah
Sands, WilliamVAPrivateBennett, Susannah
Shumway, AmasaMACorporalGleason, Sarah
Skinner, NathanielVAPatriotic ServiceFrame, Martha
Sparrow, EdwardMACaptainBumpus, Rhoda
Stagg, JohnNYCivil Service
Patriotic Service
Stoutenburgh, Anneka
Steen, MatthewPAPrivateTaylor, Jane
Stump, MichaelVALieutenant ColonelHughes, Sarah
Suit, BenjaminMDSoldier
Patriotic Service
Unknown, Mildred
Suit, DentMDPatriotic Service Unknown, Unknown
Swearingen, Jr., VanMDCaptain, Patriotic ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Swearingen, Sr., VanMDPatriotic ServiceUnknown, Unknown
Terrell, AaronNCPatriotic ServiceSteel, Hannah
Tinker, MartinMACaptainPeck, Mary
Towne, Jr., Joseph CTPrivateBarrett, Anna
Trafton, GardnerMAPrivateMcPherson, Lovey
Tucker, JesseVAPrivateLayne, Nancy
Yarborough, WilliamSCPrivateBurnes, Charlotte
Van Voorhees, WilliamNJSergeant Covenhaven, Ann
Watkins, Elizabeth JamesMD Patriotic ServiceWatkins, John
Watkins, JohnMDPrivate,Patriotic ServiceEvans, Elizabeth
Watkins, Sr., JohnMD Patriotic ServiceJames, Elizabeth
Welch, IsaccVAPrivateAyres, Nancy
White, AndrewVAPrivateUnknown, Elizabeth
Wiliamson, CharlesVALieutenant
Civil Service
Patriotic Service
Unknown, Lovey
Wilson, RussellSCSoldier
Civil Service
Rutherford, Susannah
Wood, StephenMAPrivateKibby, Bethesda
Woody, BenjaminVAPrivateKirby, Martha